pondelok 31. decembra 2012

Highlights of my 2012

The last hours of 2012... I am always so excited about New Year! :) What is 2013 gonna bring to our lifes? Well, I hope it will be at least as good as 2012... For me, 2012 was very special, full of changes I would never expected to happen...


We organized so many successful parties for Erasmus students! :D Flower power was one of them :D

Paris <3


Our first (and unfortunately last) school ball.... :) with Dianka

For the first time in Vahovce! :) Me gusta!

In "uniform" ;D

For the first time in Rome! :))

I changed my haircut.... radicaly... :)

(summer 2012 was too special for this "all in one post"... More about it soon;))

pondelok 24. decembra 2012

Merry Christmas! :)

I started to write this blog almost one year ago... Then I stopped, still do not know why. Maybe I was too lazy. Or not motivated enough. But today it is Christmas day! The most magical day of the year, when everything is possible! :) (well, maybe I have watched too many christmas fairytales, but whatever!)... So I wish to everybody to be happy at least this one special day and I wish also to have more readers haha (I think, everybody can be selfish from time to time)! :D And if my personal wish will not come true, I do not care... I started this for me and I will finish it the same way (if my laziness will not beat me again)... :))

Merry Christmass! :)

pondelok 4. júna 2012

Tarantino inspirations

On Friday, we were invited to a B-day party in Quentin Tarantino style, organised by our lovely friend Beatka... :)** Tarantino has a lot of great movies but choose one character and then create a costume seemed a little bit complicated so I decided to make tematic t-shirts at home. It is absolutely not difficult, everything you need is a simple t-shirt and an iron-on paper, which you can buy through the Internet and it is very cheap. ;) Print on this paper your picture or a photo, put it on the t-shirt, then you need baking paper or tracing-paper (but I had a bad experience with a tracing-paper), iron it for 2 minutes and voilá! The original t-shirt is here! :)
Tomas chose Quentin with a gun in the front and funny Brad Pitt from the movie Inglorious Basterds on his back. My concept was a little bit pop-art. :) In my front, there was Diane Kruger from the Inglorious Basterds and on my back, there were Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield... So I hope you like them! :)
Party was great as all the Beatkas' parties! :) Thank you Bea! :)*

V piatok sme boli na Bíí-day party našej peknej kamarátky Beatky v štýle Quentin Tarantino... :) Tarantino má veľa skvelých filmov, no vybrať jeden charakter a potom vytvoriť kostým sa mi zdalo byť trochu komplikované, preto som sa rozhodla vyrobiť si doma tričká s autentickým motívom. :) Nie je to vôbec zložité, potrebuješ len jednoduché tričko a nažehľovací papier, ktorý sa dá kúpiť cez internet a nie je vôbec drahý. ;) Vytlač si na tento papier obrázok alebo fotografiu, polož na tričko, na to ešte potrebuješ pauzovací papier alebo papier na pečenie (ja osobne mám s pauzákom zlé skúsenosti), žehli asi dve minútky a voilá! Originálne tričko je na svete! :)
Tomáš si vybral dopredu Quentina s pištoľou a na chrbáte mal smiešneho Brada Pitta z filmu Inglorious Basterds. Ja som to poňala tak trochu pop-artovo. :) Vpredu bola Diana Kruger taktiež z Bastardov a vzadu mierili pištoľami Vincent Vega a Jules Winnfield z Pulp Fiction... Tak snáď sa vám páčia! :)
Párty bola skvelá ako všetky Beatkine párty! :) Ďakujeme Bea! :)*